The Porgan's controls are grouped into 5 main categories:
Texture Controls -
Texture, Color, Transparency, Size, Full_Bright-ness, and
(limited) rotation.
Pattern Controls -
Pick a PATTERN from the pull down menu, use the optional
initial velocity, radius, angle and 'Omega' controls to
tune the angle of particle spray.
Production Controls -
Control the QUANTITY and RATE of particle production. Also
sets how long each particle lives (AGE) and when to STOP creating new particles.
After-Effects, Input & Output
Controls - Environmental influences, such as wind,
bounce, compass-direction forces, gravity, targetting and 'move
particles when prim moves' options.
This includes The Book which includes:
- [FAQ] - a link to these web pages
- [Options] - (owner-only)
- Access - Restricted/unrestricted & rez a guest chair
- Theme/Skin- Set the consoles colors and texture
- Clear All- reset all three emitters
- Texture Library - (not available yet)
- Presets - a menu of simple pre-created effects
- [Copy] - Rez a clone of the current particle effects (owner only)
- [Scripts] - A link to the scripts for your effects
- [Reload] - Allows you to import one of your earlier [Copy]s into the device (owner only)
The Stack - This is where you see the effect you are working on. You can work on three different particle effects, numbered #1, #2, and #3. Touch the emitter you want to edit. Touch it again to turn it off.
- (X) = completely turned off
- (LOCKED) = ON but ignoring the controls
- (UNLOCKED) = ON and reacting to the controls.
The Guest Chair - If the device is not responding to you, try sitting here.