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Porgan 1800 - F.A.Q. - Frequently Asked Questions (updated March 19th 2010 for v1.0 (release #4) of the Porgan 1800)

Table of Contents:

  1. General

  2. Features

  3. Permissions

  4. Troubleshooting

  5. Support




    Q: What can other people do with my Porgan 1800?
    A: Guests can use any of the functions EXCEPT the ones listed in red on the right hand side of the control book: [Owner's Options], [Copy] and [Import].

    Q: How do I prevent other residents from using my Porgan 1800?
    A: On the control book use [Owner's Options] -> (Access) -> (Restrict) to make the device ignore anyone but you... or someone seated in the porgan's operator's chair. (if there is one. See a few questions up about the chair.)

    Q: Can I have a chair that doesn't allow guest users to use my Porgan?
    A: Yes. Edit the chair, hold SHIFT and drag it by one of the axis arrows. Delete the chair that moved. The remaining copy and anyone that sits in it will be ignored by the console when it is in restricted mode.

    Q: Are there any copyrights or limitations on what I can do with the scripts or chord copies created by the porgan?
    A: Effects you create on the Porgan 1800 are yours, and you may modify and use as you like. There is one small one exception: The particle script in the chords are COPY+TRANS, but no-modify because they are NOT typical particle scripts. They're smart scripts that learn and memorize their particle effects directly from your porgan. The CONTROLLER TEMPLATE in the parent prim of the chord is modifyable and may be removed or altered as you like. You can also add and modify other CONTROLLER and TARGET TEMPLATES to chords, located in The Particle Laboratory's main sandbox. (These will be included in the Porgan 1800 in the future)


    Q: How do I figure out why I'm not seeing particles?
    A: Look across the console, are any of the controls bright RED? Try adjusting those first!

    Q: What is this thing that says OVERLOAD! ?
    A: That's the particle counter. By default we can only see 4000 total particles at a time. It's easy for one bad particle emitter to try to create MORE than 4000 particles. Try to adjust AGE, RATE and BURST COUNT to be more efficient with particle use. =)

    Q: Why do some controls go invisible?
    A: Because you've picked an option that disabled them or made them meaninless. ANGLE controls and the OMEGA cube don't work with the DROP or EXPLODE pattern. TARGET_LINEAR disables MANY controls. FOLLOW_SRC and RADIUS don't mix.

    Q: Why did that control just turn RED?
    A: Because it's likely causing problems for your display. There are many things that will cause particles to vanish or be hard to see.

    Q: Why are some controls DARK?
    A: Because they are set to DEFAULT values, and they currently have no special influence on your particle display.

    Q: Why did I get a SYNTAX ERROR when I copy'n'pasted one of the scripts?
    A: Make sure you pasted into a completely empty script, instead of adding to an existing script.


    Q: The console said "A new version is available - Touch me to get one!" ... but I don't get anything!
    A: First try rezzing a copy of your old Porgan 1800 in a different region (You can do this in region TEAL where The Particle Laboratory resides if necessary), and try touching the label again. If you still don't receive your updated version, contact Jopsy Pendragon and let him know, he'll hand deliver one to you!

    Q: I think I found a bug! What do I do?
    A: You can take a peek at the very long and likely confusing "Release Notes" (see the link up to the left), to see if the bug is included in the KNOWN ISSUES section, and/or you can just contact Jopsy Pendragon directly about it. Please try to be as specific as possible! =)

    Q: What's planned for the future?
    A: Bugs and New features are mentioned in the Release Notes as they're discovered or nearing completion.

    Q: I want a specific custom feature in my Porgan 1800
    A: Again, contact Jopsy Pendragon to see if this is possible. =)

    Q: When is the next update coming?
    A: version 1.0 (the 4th major release of the Porgan 1800) recently came out in Feb/March 2010, and has a few *very* minor defects that will be resolved with the next update that will be out in another week or two.